My Zaurus Journey

Saturday, May 29, 2004

samba over BT PAN and PPP

when try to connect with PC using samba via BT PAN and PPP, the following line should be commented:

# interfaces = usbd0 eth0 bnep0 irda0 irda1 pppd0

eventhough all corresponding interfaces (bnep0 and pppd0) specified, if uncommented the abovementioned line, samba didn't work.

money tracker - Zaif

i use this as my money tracker while i'm on broad for biz or leisure. btw, this is not a perfect travel assistance as this does not support currency and the input is a bit inconvenient. however, before i found a more powerful tools, this is the best one that i've found (except the commercial software TravelPro).

Takahiro's inside out - Zaif

the software does not have an option for data deletion. however, the data is saved as:


where yyyy = year and mm = month of the data

deleting the files will erase the data.

Friday, May 28, 2004

password manager - ZSafe

freeware to encrypt and save your passwords and user ids.


chinese input keyboard - ckeyboard

a must-installed chinese input ckeyboard. support wildcard "*" for changjie.


classic game - prboom

prboom - a Doom clone on z. follow the steps to make it work properly in c760:

for the game engine, download:

doomdemo - for gui
libsdl-image (1.2.5 cvs)
libsdl-net (1.2.5cvs)

libsdl (zports version)
libsdl-mixer (zports version)

don't use 1.2.6cvs as listed.

also, it needs .wad files to run:

freeware version

some frequently visited zaurus sites - (1)

here is a list of my favourite z sites:

Zaurus User Group
Zaurus Software Index - many useful links - chinese discussion forum with efonts

a best free gui text editor - ZEditor

can't stand with vi? ZEditor should be installed once after you have newly flashed rom

download at:

dictionary - ZBEDic

of course, dictionary is a very important app for a PDA (or i should call PMT - Personal Mobile Tool). for z, there is a freeware dictionary app: ZBEDic

the app and dictionary databases (with many languages) can be downloaded at:

file manager - Tree!Explorer Qt

a gui file manager that is a must for Z:
this is a freeware and there is a commercial version which is more powerful. see the same page.

pdf viewer - qpdf

a good pdf viewer, pdf file size < 2MB

download at: 2.2.1-beta5-FreeType-T1lib対応修正版

to display simplified and traditional chinese, install the following as well:

free hand write pad - FreeNoteQt

a very good freehand note taker.

download at:

ebook reader - JustReader

a great ebook reader with full C7x0 support

downloaded here:

a great calendar app - Kopi

it's a brilliant calendar app, which can sync with sharp standard dtm calendar and hence indirectly sync with ms outlook

download at:
download also alarm applet and dtm addr book applet as well

in using kopi, it has to disable sharp datebook alarm to avoid duplication. here is the instruction:

renamed /home/QtPalmtop/bin/datebook


Latest version is version 1.7.7.

create multiple playlist for music player

in default sharp music player, it will search the playlist under the path

So, either create a playlist under the path

touch playlist2.m3u


make a link to your playlist

ln -s /mnt/card/Music_Files/SD_Playlist.m3u SD_Playlist.m3u

auto clock calibration

i've added the following line in /home/etc/ppp/ip-up for auto clock calibration to HK Observatory clock


ntpdate can be downloaded here.

login scripts for easy use

after terminal login, i usually change the following login script for convenient use:

(1) by default, the user is zaurus.
if [-f ~/.bashrc]; then
. ~/.bashr;

that makes the login change to root automatically

(2) adding some useful alias
PS1="[\u@\w]\$ "
alias ff="find / | grep"
alias la="ls -a"

(3) copy /home/zaurus/.bashrc to /home/root

stable BT connection w/ cacko rom v1.21a

well, in using cacko rom, the BT drivers became unstable with Nokia CF card. After a loooooooong trial, i've found that changing the clock speed help improving the stability.

echo xxx > /proc/cccr_change
where xxx =
162 overclock
161 default (PXA255)
242 normal
241 default (PXA250)
121 power saving
(referring to /home/zaurus/Settings/freqchange.conf)
putting this command to ip-up (xxx = 121) and ip-down (xxx = 161) help to maintain a stable BT connection during web browsing and email.